Monday, 21 March 2011

The Initial Drawing.

This was the basic drawing I did with the intentions of scanning it in and editing it on photoshop. I used a thin black pen so it would be easy to fill in the colours. It was slightly slanted so I used the Free Transform tool to straighten it up.

The Tracing Paper.

This is the tracing paper I placed over my image. I didn't really need to have all the drawings on the exact place they were going to be because I knew that I would simply use the wand tool to copy and paste.
Here I have started to paste my drawings over and colour the image. The last three CD cases each have several gaps which are too severe to repair. This means that whenever I try to fill any of the three in, the whole lot turns that colour. Eventually I had to use the marquee tool to outline the box and fill that in. The only problem with this was, I then had to use the wand tool to copy all the letters and make that into a new layer.

The Final Image.

Here is the final product. I wanted to see what it would look like with a black background instead and I'm glad I did because as you can see I decided to keep it like that. The only drawings in this piece that I did not draw myself is the tree on 'The Shins' album and the feather from 'Juliette and the Licks'. This was just due to time issues and the only other feather drawing I had done I have already used on another piece for this project. Also, the flower print on the 'Fleetwood Mac' album was also taken from the Internet. Out of all the Cd's I designed that album took the longest because it went wrong so many times, I had to use the marquee tool to colour it and I had to erase around the flower print background to produce the right letters. Next time I would draw the outline and then draw the names and features all on tracing paper so it would be easier to edit. Also, doing that instead would mean being able to make sure all the letters were equally spaced.